Influence Coaching

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Halloween Dad Jokes (That Moms Can Also Tell)

It's been said that "laughter is the best medicine."

Humor and lightheartedness are "boosters" that help me avoid burnout. (When I can't laugh at the ridiculous, that's one of my warning signs.)

Speaking of laughing at the ridiculous, I think of humor as a circle. At the top of the circle are "good" jokes. They are funny, and they make us laugh. At the bottom of the circle of the "bad" jokes. They are just dumb, making us groan and roll our eyes.

However, some jokes go all the way around the circle - they are so "bad" that they are "good." The result: we both groan and laugh. 

Those are the jokes I like to tell. 

Since Influence Coaching helps leaders succeed both at work and home as well as beat burnout, I want to share some “Dad” jokes for the Halloween season (Or should these be “Mummy Jokes”?)

Here is some Halloween Humor for you.

  • What do ghosts have in their noses? Boo-gers!

  • Why did the ghost starch his sheet? He wanted to scare people stiff.

  • What is a ghost's favorite desert? I-scream!

  • What kind of horse does a ghost ride? A night-mare

  • Why don't mummies take time off? They are afraid to unwind.

  • Where does a mummy go for vacation? The Dead Sea.

  • What do you get when you cross a vampire and a snowman? Frostbite.

  • Why do vampires not want to become investment bankers? They hate stakeholders.

  • Why are vampires bad at art? They are only able to draw blood.

  • Why does Dracula struggle to make friends? He's a real pain in the neck.

  • What kind of medicine do witches use on their warts? I don't know, but it's not working.

  • What's the problem with twin witches? You never know which witch is which.

  • How do you mend a jack-o'-lantern? With a pumpkin patch.

  • Why did he jack-o-lantern fail out of school? Someone scooped his brains out.

  • Why don't zombies like pirates? They're too salty.

  • What do vegetarian zombies eat? Graaaains!

  • How do you know if a zombie likes someone? They ask for seconds.

  • Why are graveyards so noisy? Because of all the coffin.

  • What happens if you don't pay the exorcist on time? You get repossessed!

  • Knock Knock? Who's there? Phillip! Phillip who? Phillip my bag with candy!

Influence Coaching helps leaders succeed both at work and home. Together, we reduce unnecessary conflict, avoid burnout, create sustainable positive change, and occasionally tell jokes so bad that they are good! Click here to schedule a free consult to identify immediate action items that will help you overcome your current leadership challenges.